Open Educational Resources
for Sign Language Teachers in Europe
Teaching Sign Languages Online
About SignTeach Online
ST-O News
IO4 Report - Summaries
To SignTeach
Good Examples
Meet the Teachers
Examples by Country/SL
Examples by CEFR level
Examples by Teaching Approach
Examples by Topic
- with SL Teachers
- with SL Students
By Country
Learning / Teaching a Second Sign Language
Sign Podcasts
All Podcasts
Teacher Skills
Teaching Approaches
A Second Sign Language
At the end of the project...
ST-O Survey
Guidelines Interpreters
1. Introduction
1.1 The SignTeach Online Project
1.2 The Consortium
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Output
1.5 Research
1.6 Terminology
2. Before the Pandemic
3. During the Pandemic
4. After the Pandemic
5. Conclusions
Annex: The Survey
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... by Teaching Approach
Task-based Approach
Task-based Approach
For more info. about the task-based Approach,
True or False? (BSL, CEFR A2, B1)
Spot the errors in the story (BSL, CEFR B1)
Packing my Bag (DGS, CEFR A1)
Create a story with the selected signs (BSL, CEFR B1)
Discussing current affairs with a short video (BSL, CEFR B2, C1 )
Bingo (DGS, CEFR A1)
Werewolf Game (DGS, CEFR B1)
Who am I? - Taboo Terms (DGS, CEFR B1)
How to use Video (CZSL, CEFR B1)
Deaf signs (CZSL, CEFR B1, B2)
Eye Contact and Visual Field (ÍTM, CEFR A1)
Handshapes and Classifiers (ÍTM, A2)
Deaf Life and Deaf Culture (ÍTM, CEFR B1)
Translation (LIS, CEFR B2)
LIS structure: family relationships, means of transport and days of the week (LIS, CEFR B1)
Fingerspelling (LIS, CEFR A1)
Numbers (LIS, CEFR A1)
Story (LSM, CEFR B1)
Translating written text into LSM (LSM, CEFR B2)
Quiz (LSM, CEFR B2)
About SignTeach Online
ST-O News
IO4 Report - Summaries
To SignTeach
Good Examples
Meet the Teachers
Examples by Country/SL
Examples by CEFR level
Examples by Teaching Approach
Examples by Topic
- with SL Teachers
- with SL Students
By Country
Learning / Teaching a Second Sign Language
Sign Podcasts
All Podcasts
Teacher Skills
Teaching Approaches
A Second Sign Language
At the end of the project...
ST-O Survey
Guidelines Interpreters
1. Introduction
1.1 The SignTeach Online Project
1.2 The Consortium
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Output
1.5 Research
1.6 Terminology
2. Before the Pandemic
3. During the Pandemic
4. After the Pandemic
5. Conclusions
Annex: The Survey