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State examination for teacher for sign language

See more: LESICO Conference 2017

Elke Menges-Vogel, Knut Weinmeister, Germany

LESICO 2017, Friday 13th October 2017, Basel

In order to enable lecturers for German sign language with many years of experience to enhance their profession by successfully passing the state examination, the examination regulations of the Hessian Teachers' Academy has been prepared in 2006. The Hessian Teachers' Academy is presented. The tasks of the Academy include the qualification of teachers in Hesse, from university education to retirement. Furthermore, the Hessian Teachers Academy in Darmstadt has been offering the state examination for lecturers for sign language since 2006. The examination regulations were prepared jointly with relevant institutions / associations and are evaluated every 5 years. The course and the contents of the exam as well as the examination requirements are presented. So far, more than 1 dozen people successfully passed the exam. Demand is so far more reserved than expected. In the ensuing workshop, we will exchange ideas on how the lecturers with many years of experience can be strengthened in order to pass the exam so that the qualification of the lecturers for sign language can to be established in Germany.